ロ軍、マリウポリで「戦争犯罪」 OSCEが調査報告―ウクライナ侵攻:時事ドットコム (jiji.com)
全欧安保機構「ロシア軍の明確な国際人道法違反を確認」…ICC検察官「重大な証拠ある」 : 国際 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン (yomiuri.co.jp)
〔4/19付記 次のような記事が出た。産科病院の件はやはり「フェイク」だとのことだが(どちらの「写真」のことだろうか)… 「ブチャ虐殺を普通のロシア人はどう受け止めているか」佐藤優「事態は極めて深刻」 多数の民間人が犠牲になったのは、疑いようのない事実だが…… (3ページ目) | PRESIDENT Online(プレジデントオンライン)〕
国際人道法・国際人権法(INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN AND HUMAN RIGHTS LAW)への違反だとしている。加盟国の抱える問題の解決のために専門家を派遣するという、1991年採用された「モスクワ・メカニズム」の枠組みで行われた、およそ3週間の調査の結果である。この「モスクワ・メカニズム」の名称とともに、ロシアもOSCEの加盟国であることに注目しておきたい。
If they had respected their [Russian] IHL obligations in terms of distinction, proportionality and precautions in attack and concerning specially protected objects such as hospitals, the number of civilians killed or injured would have remained much lower. Similarly, considerably fewer houses, hospitals, cultural properties, schools, multi-story residential buildings, water stations and electricity systems would have been damaged or destroyed.
Generally, allegations made by the Russian Federation could not be confirmed that Ukraine and not Russian forces had caused some of the death, injury or destructions attributed to Russia by the media, Ukrainian authorities and NGOs.
While it has not been able to verify all the reported incidents that involve violations of International Human Rights Law (IHRL), it has found credible evidence suggesting that such violations concerning even the most fundamental human rights (right to life, prohibition of torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment) have been committed, mostly in the areas under the effective control of Russia or entities under overall control of Russia.
The Mission has also concluded that the impact of the conflict on the enjoyment of human rights has gone beyond the direct violations of these rights. By causing a high level of destruction and by interfering with the provision of vital services (education, healthcare), the conflict started by the unlawful attack by Russia has made it very difficult for Ukraine to effectively respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of its inhabitants. Furthermore, the Mission has found that while the conflict has affected all the inhabitants of Ukraine, it has exerted and continues to exert particularly negative effects on individuals belonging to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, older persons or persons with disabilities. 〔強調は引用者〕
The Mission is not able to conclude whether the Russian attack on Ukraine per se may qualify as a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. It however holds that some patterns of violent acts violating IHRL, which have been repeatedly documented in the course of the conflict, such as targeted killing, enforced disappearance or abductions of civilians, including journalists and local officials, are likely to meet this qualification. Any single violent act of this type, committed as part of such an attack and with the knowledge of it, would then constitute a crime against humanity. 〔強調は引用者〕
As this report shows, violations occurred on the Ukrainian as well as on the Russian side. The violations committed by the Russian Federation, however, are by far larger in nature and scale.
天に唾する「北海道はロシア領」の根拠を徹底検証 「アイグン条約」論法を現代に持ち出す火事場泥棒の性根(1/9) | JBpress (ジェイビープレス) (ismedia.jp)
「ロシアは北海道に全ての権利」ロシア議員の発信を林外相「根拠ない」と一蹴 (fnn.jp)
ロシア、マリウポリで「ウクライナ兵1026人投降」 アメリカは追加軍事支援へ - BBCニュース
欧州安全保障協力機構(OSCE)|外務省 (mofa.go.jp)