

Opinion | The Hamas horror is also a lesson on the price of populism - The Washington Post


Israelis and Palestinians are facing their moment of greatest danger since 1948 | Yuval Noah Harari | The Guardian


後の詳論では、懸念されるガザ地区の人道危機にも触れ(夜になったガザ地区、映像を見ると、電気の供給が止められ真っ暗であるのに加え、時折爆音が響いている)、戦況をエスカレートさせて1948年に始まった中東戦争の帰結を蒸し返そうとする両陣営の原理主義を「外部の力(external forces)」によって抑圧しなければならない、と呼び掛けている。この「外部の力」とは”a coalition of the willing – ranging from the US and the EU to Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority”のことであり、これがハマス掃討とガザ地区の完全非武装化に責任を持つべきだ、とのこと。


During the 1990s Oslo peace process, Israel gave peace a chance. I know that from the viewpoint of Palestinians and some outside observers, Israeli peace offers were insufficient and arrogant, but it was still the most generous offer Israel has ever made. During that peace process, Israel handed partial control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority. The outcome for Israelis was the worst terror campaign they had experienced until then. Israelis are still haunted by memories of daily life in the early 2000s, with buses and restaurants bombed every day. That terror campaign killed not only hundreds of Israeli civilians, but also the peace process and the Israeli left. Maybe Israel’s peace offer wasn’t generous enough. But was terrorism the only possible response?


After the failure of the peace process, Israel’s next experiment in Gaza was disengagement. In the mid-2000s, Israel unilaterally retreated from the entire Gaza Strip, dismantled all settlements there and returned to the internationally recognised pre-1967 border. True, it continued to impose a partial blockade on the Gaza Strip and to occupy the West Bank. But the withdrawal from Gaza was still a very significant Israeli step, and Israelis waited anxiously to see what the result of that experiment would be. The remnants of the Israeli left hoped that the Palestinians would make an honest attempt to turn Gaza into a prosperous and peaceful city state, a Middle Eastern Singapore, showing to the world and to the Israeli right what the Palestinians could do when given the opportunity to govern themselves.


Sure, it is difficult to build a Singapore under a partial blockade. But an honest attempt could still have been made, in which case there would have been greater pressure on the Israeli government from both foreign powers and the Israeli public to remove the blockade from Gaza and to reach an honourable deal about the West Bank as well. Instead, Hamas took over the Gaza Strip and turned it into a terrorist base from which repeated attacks were launched on Israeli civilians. Another experiment ended in failure. (強調は引用者)