

イランとサウジ、外交関係再開で合意 中国が仲介 | ロイター (reuters.com)

イランとサウジアラビア、7年ぶりに外交関係正常化で合意 中国が仲介 - BBCニュース

サウジアラビア・イランの国交回復、中国も含めた共同声明を発表(中国、イラン、サウジアラビア) | ビジネス短信 ―ジェトロの海外ニュース - ジェトロ (jetro.go.jp)


習氏、ゼレンスキー氏と会談へ 侵攻後初、オンラインで - WSJ


中国、イラン・サウジ関係修復を仲介 その先には台湾平和統一と石油人民元 | 中国問題グローバル研究所 (grici.or.jp)


Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to reopen ties in China-brokered deal (cnbc.com)


The Saudis kept Washington informed of the deal, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNBC during a press call.

“We support any effort to de-escalate tensions in the region. We think it’s in our interests and it’s something that we worked on through our own effective combination of deterrence and diplomacy,” Kirby said, adding that “it really does remain to be seen if Iran is going to meet their obligations.

The U.S. position is to see the war in Yemen end, he said, which is something that may be more likely to happen in light of Friday’s agreement.

He meanwhile appeared to downplay China’s role in the deal. “This is not about China and I’m not going to characterize here whatever China’s role is,” Kirby said, adding that “it appears to us that this roadmap announced today was the result of multiple rounds of talks.”